The Future
18th March 2023
Digital Download
Adrian Bonnington
[email protected]
I’ve seen the future it’s murder – Leonard Cohen
As part of Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 / America 2050 – Different names but same Agenda
What is planned for our future?
• De-population of Earth
• 15 minute cities
• Land Grabs by elites
• Central Bank Digital Currency
• Social Credits
• Digital ID
• Carbon limits
• Food limits
Eyes wide open
Anyone with eyes wide open will realise there was an agenda behind Covid. [See my book The Scamdemic] Covid was never isolated. The idea of all the propaganda was to induce FEAR to get people to get vaccinated. These vaccines are a bio-weapon designed to de-populate. [See my book They plan to Kill You]. Already excess deaths are up 22% in Europe, miscarriages are up, infertility is up, cancer’s are up.
We have seen many toxic train crashes in the USA this year Ohio Little Palestine was one such event. The press say dioxins force people to relocate! Dioxins don’t force relocation – Governments do! They have already passed into law in the USA in land is polluted then people can be moved and the Government then owns the land. This is all part of the Agenda to move people into 15 minute cities. Once inside these cities they can be targeted with microwave weapons if they leave their allocated Zone – prison.
We have seen earthquakes in Turkey but were these manmade? Tesla created an earthquake device – what happened to this equipment? The Turkish Earthquake killed many. Then we have wars designed to kill but also they allow money laundering by the elites, keep the military industrial complex going, allow child trafficking and organ trafficking to be done – and other things the elite crime families do to generate cash.
Wars also drive refugees to Europe, Mossad did 911 yet 911 lead to invasion of Muslim countries as people believed the BS that Muslims terrorists did 911. Bin Laden was dead long before 911 but before this he was a CIA agent called Tim Osman – the Bin Laden family had ties with the Bush crime family.
If we look at the WEF logo it has 3 sixes in it. Microsoft has a patent 060606 which is about using our body to mine crypto coins.
Also vaccines contain Luciferaise – which gives of light [Lux] so they know who is vaccinated and who is not. Mrna vaccines also seem to contain self assembling nana chip circuits; antennae’s and dead vaxxed people are transmitting MAC addresses from their graves.
Digital ID
Many people say a digital ID is a good thing as it would stop crime, have CCTV stopped crime? They might say it is a good thing to have our medical records stored so Ambulance crew knows you are diabetic or got high blood pressure.
A digital ID will be a biometric ID. The ID will be linked to your bank account and a Central Bank Digital Currency [Blockchain that records all ledgers]. The ID will have all your MEDICAL RECORDS on it – thus it will show when you last had a vaccine. No vaccine then you won’t be able to shop. The Bible says in the book of Revelations – those not taking the MARK won’t be able to shop.
But if you don’t have the vaccine they might take your children off you for not being a good parent.
Soon all children will be born in artificial wombs and chipped from birth; the government will give you a child.
A digital ID will be linked to a Chinese Social Credit system – the elites have been using China to test this system for the last 20 years. Already Ukraine has adopted this Social Credit system – it soon will be turned into 15 minute Smart Cities after the war and held up by the Elites as a model place to live.
Oxford and Cambridge in the UK are planning to be 15 minute cities – they will deny this but it is all on the WEF web page which talks about the 4th industrial revolution – you will own nothing and be happy. Electric cars have patents that allow the manufacture to kill power to the car. If you have used too much carbon – you won’t be allowed to fly or drive. The Social Credit system has about 4 tiers – the elites will be able to fly in their private jets and use their yachts. Normal people will be imprisoned within 15 minute cities.
In the USA FEMA camps and many plastic coffins already exist. In UK massive new prisons have been built like nine Wells near Wellingborough Northamptonshire that has a crematorium next door – all they need to say is there has been a pandemic and folk will disappear. I expect riots once people realise the vaccine is a bio weapon and people die off. Thus we see refugees coming in and being housed in hotels. These are not refugees but in reality most are trained UN soldiers – all young men.
Global warming is a Club of Rome scam – the Rothschild’s created a Global Environment Fund which got passed through the United Nations.
Thus poor countries get a loan from the GEF but when they can’t meet carbon trading conditions they default and the Rothschild’s get to own the land leveraged against the GEF loan. This land useless for housing is still rich in minerals.
The elites are also spraying our skies with chem. Trails which contain metals like aluminium and barium. We absorb these metals which allow the 5G microwave weapon to target individuals. Many gave there DNA freely. These DNA codes are now stored on vast databases in China. Your DNA code will have a unique frequency, the unique frequency has a resonant frequency – so they can target individuals.
IBM have done census of most Americans and Chinese citizens. In WW2 the IBM tabulator machines loaned to the Nazi’s allowed them to ID every citizen, and record their race – we know how this ended.
The Mrna vaccines are a binary weapon – they work in conjunction with 5G to target an individual. 5G is a weapon system it can be used to “Soft kill” a targeted person by exposing them to radiation over several years – until cancer develops. It can be used to “Hard kill” a person – a direct microwave beam attack will kill them on their feet. In the Iraq war 5G was used as a crowd control weapon as it makes you think your skin is on fire – so you retreat. Operation Red Mist saw a microwave weapon used in Rwanda – over 1 million people died in a conflict after a microwave weapon was fired from above at them from a USA aircraft. In UK just after the war over 40 people dies in a flood near Lynemouth – years later the RAF admitted to doing a cloud seeding experiment. They now use HAARP to change the weather but have more advanced technology out at sea – on things that look like an oil rig with a golf ball on them.
Food Shortages
Weather manipulation is leading to food shortages but that is the intention. The elites want order out of chaos – they want us to riot against our Governments so they can offer the solution: A One World Unelected Government – where we do what they say or die.
Eventually this system won’t even be run by humans but AI computers.
So now the elites are buying up land, Bill Gates owns much American farm land – he is a Big Farmer. But if any food is grown on this land it will probably be GMO food. They are already vaccinating food animals with Mrna vaccines and putting Mrna technology into vegetable crops. They intend to get this Mrna shit into us by all means possible. They put fluoride in our water systems – this is a known toxin. Our food is sprayed with chemicals and toxins. Our clothes contain toxins and the cleaning products we use also contain deadly toxins.
They now are paying farmers not to grow food, turning fields over too make bio fuels – so food crops are not being grown. This will lead to hunger, starvation, food price increase and riots.
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